This is great once in a lifetime news!
During our club meeting of Tuesday, November 18, 2015, our president Miao Gerhard took the opportunity to cordially congratulate our long-time member Sandra Van de Cauter for three outstanding awards received during the Fall Conference of District 59, November 13-15, 2015 in
Amsterdam. We are all very proud!
She received the medal for Distinguished Toastmaster, along with five other Toastmasters of District 59. This is a personal achievement by working through all the levels of the educational program of Toastmasters International.
During the Hall of Fame event on Sunday Morning, Sandra Van de Cauter was handed the Award for President Distinguished Division 2014-15 as the Division Governor of that term. This Award is achieved when the Division reaches the following milestones: at least 50% of the Division’s Clubs reach ‘Distinguished’ status, meaning that they gain five DCP points and at least one new club.
Sandra also received the Award for Division Governor of the Year. This award is a result of a vote among all District members with the final vote of the District Governor. She successfully lead a team of 14 people to realign former Division E into three divisions with an unanimous vote and was active on the nomination committee to help find the leaders for this years division.

Sandra Van de Cauter and Miao Gerhard

During the Gala Dinner on Saturday Evening: Sandra Van de Cauter receives the medal for Distinguished Toastmaster, together with five other toastmasters of District 59.

Sandra was awarded Division Governor of the year 2014-15!

Area E2, to which Toastmasters of Basel Club belongs, is awarded President Distinguished Area along with 12 other areas of District 59.

All eight Division Governors in District 59 reached President Distinguished Division last term. Never has this been achieved before.

President Distinguished Division